TheraManager Release Notes


Program Version 11.1 build: 11/11/2013                         Administrator screen login required? Yes



Posting Appointments
For practices with ‘No Posting without a Locked Note’ checked, there was an issue whereby appointments linked to an unlocked note could be posted. This issue has been fixed.



E-Mail and Text Reminders

It has been shown that sending patient’s reminders about their appointments is a “best practice” that leads to fewer missed appointments and improved Practice P&L. TheraManager supports appointment reminders. Until now, there was a standard text for email reminders and a standard text for “text message” reminders that could not be edited. Now, each Practice may customize the message for email reminders and text message reminders as they wish.




In 'Outstanding Balances' report (i.e., aging report), 'Clln' column header has been replaced with ‘Collect’ (rotated 90 degrees). This makes it easier for the reader to determine, at a glance, which patient accounts have been sent to collections.


In Activity Reports, patient names account numbers, DOS, providers, CPT Codes charges, payments and discounts/adjustments have been reinstated.

However, for viewing daily transactions we strongly recommend that you use the Transactions | Accounts screen as well as the Transaction Daily Report (General Report 23):



Insurance Payments

Further refinement in ERA payment entries.




For Practices having multiple “virtual” corporations, the parent corporation once again appears atop the clinical-note header.





For practices having multiple “virtual” corporations, when adding a new clinician, click ‘Copy to All’ on an existing clinician to add all CPT codes and regular charges to the new clinician.




As you all know by now, we have moved the TheraManager Cloud to a HIPAA-compliant data center this past month, which provides numerous protections for your Protected Health Information, including: